
Over 10.000 bearings, seals, sleeves, housings

At any given time, we have over 10.000 items in stock. A wide range of brands of different price ranges is available, from premium brands, such as FAG, INA, HFB…, through medium (KRW, ZVL, ART, BECO, PTN, Mecaline…) to slightly more affordable ones (MBY, FXTYGQ…).

Cylindrical Roller Bearings

Tapered Roller Bearings

Konusno-valjkasti ležajevi

Super Precision Bearings

Super precizni ležajevi

Spherical Plain Bearings

Zglobni ležajevi

Special Bearings for the Automotive Industry

Specijalni ležajevi za auto industriju

Lubrication Greases

Masti za podmazivanje

Automatic Bearing Lubrication Devices

Uređaji za automatsko podmazivanje ležajeva

Devices and Tools for Mounting and Dismounting Rolling Bearings

Uređaji i alati za montažu i demontažu kotrljajnih ležajeva

Vibration Diagnostic Devices
